Bills. Junk Mail. Bills. So many times I’ve mentioned how excited I get to open the mail every day only to realize it’s either a junk solicitation, a statement, or a bill. Still no pen pal letters, and thank you cards are far and few between. January is typically the time of year that I’ll call all of my vendors and see what kind of deal I can strike with them. When it comes to cable, internet, and/or home phone (if you still have one), Comcast may provide one or all of these services for your family. How can you go about lowering your current Comcast bill?
First things first. Don’t waste your time calling the billing department. All they are going to do is spend time making sure you are paying your bills and that the bill looks accurate. You can spend your energy and effort disputing a bill, but it isn’t going to change your budget one bit.
What you do want to be asking for is to get to the customer solutions department. These are the customer service representatives with the golden tickets to the Willy Wonka factory. Forget about sales because they deal with new Comcast customers. It is the customer solutions area that can help reshape your monthly Comcast bill.
A good starting place is to print out your most recent bill and also have this page printed out with all of the bundles that Comcast is offering new customers.
When you get a customer solutions person on the phone simply tell them that you enjoy working with Comcast, but the monthly bill cost is just simply too high for your budget and you are considering switching to Dish TV or some other direct competitor (UVerse, etc.). Magically, your customer solutions representative will assess your overall situation and almost all of the time will give you the special introductory deal for 12 or 24 months so you don’t switch your service. If you are lucky, sometimes there is also a deal on boxes, modems, or adapters which can also trim your bill. For most of you, just making this 20 minute phone call will add $50 to $100/month back into your family budget. (Ahem! This is a good time to add to your IRA or 401(k) plan)
Your Smart Money Moves will write some other posts like these to help you free up that cash flow so you can work toward your financial goals and objectives. So go pick up the phone, call Monty Hall and play let’s make a deal with Comcast!
Written by:
Ted Jenkin
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