Since 1903, The Fall Classic called The World Series has been entertaining baseball fans all over the world. In 1970, the famous World Series of Poker began at Binion's Horseshoe and now has a place yearly on ESPN with worldwide coverage of the event. Is it possible that the next phenomenon to catch on in America will be called The World Series of Vaping or what's better known as "cloud chasing" today?
Is this a joke, Ted? No, unfortunately this is no joke at all. E-cigarettes came on the scene about eight years, and now there are an estimated 8,500 vape shops in the U.S. doing over 1.2 billion in annual sales. Approximately two years ago, owners of the vape shops starting these "cloud chasing" contests to attract more customers. Now, the number of contests going on across the United States have exploded. This hasn't exactly turned into a World Series of Vaping yet, but contests that are held at the various smoke shops will pay the winners anywhere from $250 to $2,000. You know sponsors aren't far behind.
The whole notion of having e-cigarettes was to help people get rid of smoking. Certainly, there is no reason to glamorize this idea of being able to blast a puff cloud better than your friend. It appears to me that we create more and more new sports every year in the country, but it is hard to imagine what positive outcomes you have from becoming the best 'vaper' even those that consider the sport somewhat of an anti-smoking rally.
I suppose if this catches wind, you'll soon be seeing competitive vaping follow championship dodgeball on ESPN Ocho. It might become the new Fall Classic.
Written by: Ted Jenkin
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